• Have any questions?
  • +64 4 499 2966
  • hrinz@hrinz.org.nz

Human Resources Institute of New Zealand (HRINZ)

New Zealand

The Human Resources Institute of New Zealand (HRINZ) is the professional organisation for people who are interested or involved in Human Resource Management, performance, development and leadership of people at work.

We represent the interests of 4000+ individual members, who represent over 47% of the known New Zealand HR market. This compares very favourably with other membership associations, both within New Zealand and Internationally.

HRINZ members include those working in private and public sector organisations, as well as students and academics. We provide members with professional development and information services, conferences and seminars, publications, representation at government and official levels, and networking opportunities. This helps members to develop their professional skills, knowledge and expertise in the practice and teaching of Human Resource Management.

Our conferences attract a good cross-section from all levels of practice, with plenty of representation of mid and senior level practitioners. These are often the decision makers for their organisation and they are also the people we hope will have the most influence to bring about change.

APFHRM country reports

The members of the Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management (APFHRM) meet regularly to share ideas, perspectives and information relating to the practice of HR in the Asia Pacific region and their individual institutes. Below are the country reports for New Zealand.

Meet the Team
Chief Executive
Hon. General Treasurer
Major events

The NZ HR Conference is a three-day conference featuring local and international speakers and held annually. It rotates each year between Auckland and Wellington and is usually held in either August or September.

A complimentary and integral part of the conference is the NZ HR Expo. Featuring international and local organisations, the expo provides the opportunity to check out new products and services, source new suppliers and learn of new innovations that can help to provide the solutions to business needs. www.nzhrconference.co.nz

Primary publication

Human Resources – 6 issues per year

Our Member Countries

Australia Bangladesh Fiji Hong Kong India Japan Malaysia Maldives New Zeeland Pakistan Papua New Guinea
Philippines Sri Lanka Singapoor Thailand Taiwan Vietnam