• Have any questions?
  • (094) 011 219 9988
  • apfhrm@ipmlk.org

Chinese Human Resource Management Association (CHRMA)


CHRMA (the Association) was established in January 1992 as a nationwide non-profit organization comprised primarily of HR professionals. CHRMA is the most representative and largest leading organization in the field of human resources management and development in Taiwan. The Association now has around 1,200 members among which 70% of the members are from local companies and the remaining 30% are with multinational companies. CHRMA is devoted to promote the professionalism of HRM & HRD in the country.

APFHRM country reports

The members of the Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management (APFHRM) meet regularly to share ideas, perspectives and information relating to the practice of HR in the Asia Pacific region and their individual institutes. Below are the country reports for Taiwan.

Meet the Team
Secretariat General
Chief Executive Officer
Major events

HR Administrators Certification classes, seminar and lectures, training sessions, planning and sponsorship of conferences, etc.


Monthly e-Newsletter provides to membership and non-membership subscribers.

Profile of best practice and links to local awards programs

  • CHRMA won the National Talent Development Awards(NTDA) in December 2015.
  • CHRMA won the Gold Model of TTQS (Talent Quality-management System ) November 2015.
  • CHRMA won the Gold Model of TTQS (Talent Quality-management System) November 2013.
  • CHRMA won the National Training Quality Prize in June 2013.
  • CHRMA won the National HRD InnoPrize of Training Institution Category in 2006.

Our Member Countries

Australia Bangladesh Fiji Hong Kong India Japan Malaysia Maldives New Zeeland Pakistan Papua New Guinea
Philippines Sri Lanka Singapoor Thailand Taiwan Vietnam