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  • (094) 011 219 9988
  • thuvm@hravn.net

The Human Resources Association


The Human Resources Association (also referred to as HRA) is a professional organization established on a voluntary and equality basis of organizations and individuals from all sectors in Vietnam who work in human resource management area or are related to human resource management on a national scale.

The purpose of the HRA is to focus on and to associate individuals working in the field of human resource management, who are the heads or higher position holders of the department, lecturers, researchers, experts in human resource management, the domestic and international organizations or individuals who are interested in contributing to and promoting the human resource development in Vietnam. Together the Association and its members strengthen the capacity of HR management practice and encourage members to develop their profession further, enhancing their qualifications, knowledge, experience, management capacity and service quality, etc. in order to improve the quality of human resources and human resource management efficiency in Vietnam.

APFHRM country reports

The members of the Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management (APFHRM) meet regularly to share ideas, perspectives and information relating to the practice of HR in the Asia Pacific region and their individual institutes. Below are the country reports for Vietnam.

Meet the Team
Vice President
Vice President
Major events

How HR strategy enables Business strategy Agile Leadership – Thriving Through a VUCA World

Annual conference is one of the most important activities of the HRA. This is the opportunity not only to bring useful knowledge to HR professionals but also to enable HRA members and others to meet, exchange ideas and connect each other.

For 2023 the annual conference "Agile Leadership - Thriving Through a VUCA World," was held on September 20, 2023. The conference featured informative sessions on transforming organizations through the Lean Agile Leadership Model, transforming teams to work in Agile ways, and real-life case studies shared by business leaders on their Agile journey. The participants left the event with a deeper understanding of Agile Leadership, empowering them to implement these insights in their own organizations with a sense of confidence and expertise.

In 2022, the annual conference titled "How HR strategy enables Business strategy" was held on August 14th, 2022. This remarkable conference has also been the first offline annual event held by HRA since the outbreak of Covid-19 epidemic. The conference brought about valuable knowledge and real-life experiences for HRA members, CEO and HR professionals on this tough topic of HR strategy.

In 2021, the annual conference with the theme "Organization Development – Fit for Future" was held online in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic. Although through a virtual conference, the enthusiasm, excitement and spirit of the attendees dispersed geographical distances.

Primary publication

Over the last 27 years since the establishment in 1995, HRA has been issuing various publications and organizing many professional conferences, workshops, offlines, events and brought about in-depth knowledge and real-life experiences in various areas of the HR realm such as recruitment and talent acquisition, learning and development, compensation and benefits, employee relationship management, HR strategy etc. To view these documents, publications in more detail and enjoy our greatest moments of professional events,

Please visit our website at: www.hravn.net.

Our Member Countries

Australia Bangladesh Fiji Hong Kong India Japan Malaysia Maldives New Zeeland Pakistan Papua New Guinea
Philippines Sri Lanka Singapoor Thailand Taiwan Vietnam